Smart Moves with Sue

walk and talk

Are YOU ready to Walk & Talk with Sue?

  • What if personal improvement and physical improvement could be achieved at the same time?
  • What if you could experience a personal breakthrough while enjoying the outdoors, hearing the sounds of nature, and drawing breaths of fresh air?
  • What would inspire you to get up and get out the door?
  • Did you know that just 30 minutes a day of exercise can boost your mood? And just getting your body moving increases your happiness?  (Along with other benefits too!)

Research has consistently shown that exercise decreases anxiety and depression while elevating overall mood. Smart Walk and Talk enhances activity with expert guidance that helps you gain clarity, tackle difficult situations, and, literally, to move forward with your life!

How does a "Walk and Talk" session work?

For 30 minutes to an hour, we partner up to literally take a walk side by side – outdoors on a trail, in a park, or on a track (or indoors on a track or treadmill) – to talk through your challenges, explore your opportunities, and arrive at commitments to keep you moving forward in life.

By removing the face-to-face dynamic of a traditional session, clients are found to be less inhibited and more likely to go deeper with their exploration and creative thinking.

The literal forward movement supports you moving forward with decisions and actions that enhance your quality of life.

“I’ve worked with Sue in the last 6 months of the IPEC coaching certification program and she was one of my peer coaches. When she coached me I always felt very supported and understood. With her support, I managed to be very effective at reaching my goals without ever feeling under pressure. The coaching with her has been a nice, natural and productive flow of actions that totally aligned to my needs and resources. This is because Sue is great at listening to the clients’ aspirations and she is very supportive in keeping them committed without them even realizing they are doing the job. I loved the team spirit that she spontaneously managed to create between us and I deeply valued knowing that she was determined to have me reach my objectives.”     –Marsia T.

What benefits should I anticipate from Smart Walk and Talk?

Your individual goals will influence your benefits; and, there are certain benefits all clients can consider:

  • Clear your cluttered thoughts and regain your focus
  • Do something that is healthy for both your body and your mind
  • Reduce your anxiety and lift your mood
  • Find release (verbally and mentally) and experience a sense of peace and ease
  • Walk at your pace and favorite place!

“Let the freedom of movement and the energizing effects of nature create a moment where you reach the results you desire… we walk, we talk, and the possibilities unfold!”

“I have always found walking and talking is a great way to clear my mind while allowing me to get much needed movement after sitting all day at work. Walking and talking with Sue has created the perfect balance of free flowing thought as Sue guides me to explore my deeper questions directing me to find the answers from within. I really look forward to our time together and leave feeling refreshed and energized.”     –Peggy F.

How motivated would you be if you had an accountability coach to inspire you, challenge you, and cheer you on, all while taking a walk?

Be Happy, Be Healthy & Be Walking! Ready to take your first step?